I'm back to making decisions for everyone this month, a fun experiment that went well last year (and by well, I mean that none of my decisions landed a person in jail or, worse, had them wearing Sperry Topsiders).
Hope asks: Should I start twittering?
For starters, you will get to read Twitters like this:
Additionally, life is full of Twitterable experiences. Like, for instance, when you are at the local coffee shop and they run out of your favorite marzipan tea and you want to tell somebody about it but you don't want to, like, call somebody on the phone or write a whole blog post about the situation because nobody really cares that much about your coffee shop running out of tea leaves, you can Twitter it. Your Twitter friends WILL CARE.
Or, for example, when you are sitting at the San Diego airport and the guy next to you orders a big beer even though it is 7:06 in the morning. You'll want to let some people know about that. Twitter it!
Other Totally Twitterable Things: the weather, your eyeliner, the coworker in the cubicle next to yours. The mundane becomes fascinating on Twitter!
And, also? You can follow people and find out exciting things about their lives like what they are eating RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE! About 90 percent of my twitters are about things I am currently eating.
You also will find out things you would never have known about people. For example, two days ago I was riding my bike home through the arboretum and, I swear, I was just about to Twitter about what a lovely bike ride it was, when a huge black bug FLEW RIGHT INTO MY EYE. I narrowly avoided crashing my bicycle as I pulled off to the side of the path, where I dropped all my stuff and frantically tried to remove the bug from my eye. Three sweet high school girls came to my rescue, offering a mirror and encouragement until the bug, which was STILL ALIVE, was cried out of my eye.
Once I was able to see again, I Twittered about the experience.
See? You only would have known about that bug in my eye if you had been following me on Twitter at 6 PM on Tuesday evening.
Finally, somebody recently stopped following me on Twitter, so I'm feeling all rejected and sorry for myself, as I now have one fewer Twitter friend (although, seriously, they must not have been that good a friend since (a) they just stopped following me and (b) I have no idea who they were now that they have disappeared from my follower list).
(What is up with that, anyway? Was it the bug-in-the-eye story?)
NOTICE, PEOPLE: I promptly signed up for Qwitter, which will now tell me WHO stops following me, so don't even think you can break up with me all sly-like. I consider you people my FRIENDS (yes, even Lance Armstrong, who, for whatever reason, has not started following me yet but I think it's just because he's been so busy with the shoulder surgery and whatnot).
So, anyway, yes, join Twitter! And follow me, if you are so inclined!
What do y'all think? To Twitter or not to Twitter?
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