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June 08, 2009



Ooh, that is fun! I can teach you how to use chopsticks and the difference between lie/lay.


...how to swaddle a baby so tight that he can't bust free and wake himself up.


I can teach you the proper way use "and I" in a sentence. I can teach you how to curse in French. And I can teach you how to flip a crêpe in the pan.

Mrs. H-B

I can teach you to arrange flowers. I can teach you to make a perfect double chocolate malt. I can teach you about the intricacies of Spanish grammar.


I can teach you how to potty train a toddler. Now don't you all come running up to me at once.


I can teach you how to swim, I can teach you sign language, I can teach you to make clams on the grill and make an excellent steak...


I can teach you the differences between FHA, VA and conventional loans. I can teach you how to read an inspection report and analyze the value of a neighborhood. I can teach you how to train a dog. I can teach you how to make cinnamon rolls from scratch...


I can teach you how to flip someone who is twice your weight over your head. I can teach you basic html. I can teach you how to swing dance.


i can teach you useless celebrity facts and how to make the best snack ever. it's awesome really. :)


How clever! What a brilliant idea. way better than "hello, my name is."

I can teach you the lyrics to any John Mayer song.
I can teach you what any word on any menu in America means.
I can teach you how to curl your hair with a straightening iron.
I can teach you about psychology, evolution, and sex - and how they're related.


I can teach you how to procrastinate for finals.

Also, I love the font. American Typewriter?

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